university business incubator

university business incubator

university business incubator

Management of the University Startups Incubator for Six Months Provided by Monshaat in Collaboration with Qassim University

Management of the University Startups Incubator for Six Months Provided by Monshaat in Collaboration with Qassim University

Management of the University Startups Incubator for Six Months Provided by Monshaat in Collaboration with Qassim University

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Jul 26, 2024
Jul 26, 2024
Jul 26, 2024

Services Provided

Services Provided

Business Incubators
Business Incubators
Business Incubators

Project Overview

Project Overview

Project Overview

We developed a set of tools and methodologies specific to the incubator, such as:

  1. Establishing a clear and detailed plan for the motivation process and selection of participants, followed by filtering them based on their personal and professional maturity levels.

  2. Conducting the necessary tests and measurements (Inspiration Scenarios).

  3. Automating the incubator management to reduce time wastage.

  4. Creating a detailed communication and escalation plan, along with results for each phase with the client.

  5. Generating detailed weekly, monthly, and final reports for the client to facilitate precise decision-making.

  6. Designing a suitable agenda according to the target audience and ways to attract them.

  7. Dividing projects among participants based on the progress level of each project.

  8. With our expertise, we discovered the true journey of the incubator and the best solutions that reflect the project's outcomes as a whole.

Our Solution

Our Solution

Our Solution

The time to select prototypes was reduced.

  • The participants quickly understood the incubator and immersed themselves in the entrepreneurial environment.

  • The best mentors and trainers were chosen according to the types of projects, ensuring quick market testing within the project's full duration.

  • 11 out of 25 participating projects entered the market after the third month of the incubator.

  • 24 projects entered the market in the last month.

  • 4 of these projects hired staff and formed partnerships.

  • 7 projects won awards and entered accelerators before the incubator period ended.

  • 2 projects were classified as innovative manufacturing products.

The project supervisor from Monsha'at was keen on knowledge transfer, fully acknowledging our work, reports, and management.




Thanks to Riens strategy in managing the incubator, the time for most projects to enter the market testing phase was significantly reduced.

Improved the performance and stability of the used solutions by over 84%.

Enhanced organizational performance of the incubator by 92%

217000 Sales Volume

A successful and impressive launch, highly flexible according to participants, clients, and university administration.

Development of a dedicated portal for managing incubators, considering all addressed feedback.




"This project served as a beacon of hope for the community, bringing together over 300 registrants of various ages and backgrounds to participate in developing innovative solutions to current social challenges."


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university business incubator

Management of the University Startups Incubator for Six Months Provided by Monshaat in Collaboration with Qassim University

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