Let me summarize it for you: #Innovation itself does not work unless there is a genuine need and challenges and opportunities within organizations, coupled with an environment and management that effectively enhance the innovation process. This approach strengthens the organizations' ability to compete and grow in a constantly changing market.
We know that innovation is about turning new and creative ideas into practical solutions that can be applied in business to improve products, services, or processes. This is the true essence that must be achieved because change has become very rapid.
In this article, I will briefly discuss the stages of applied innovation management to ensure business continuity within government and private entities, and to guarantee their growth and development in a better way.
Exploration and Clear Identification of Challenges: This stage involves searching for challenges through customer interaction, market observation, and identifying real needs.
Idea Generation: At this stage, employees are encouraged to present new ideas through brainstorming sessions, workshops, and internal creativity initiatives. This cannot be superficial in terms of idea generation, and there are many stimulating techniques.
Evaluation and Selection: After generating ideas, they must be evaluated to determine their feasibility and usefulness. There are models and tools for this stage.
Development and Implementation: This stage involves turning the selected ideas into ready-to-test products or services. It includes developing prototypes, conducting field tests, and obtaining feedback from customers to modify and improve the innovation before a wide launch.
Marketing and Distribution: After developing the innovation, it must be effectively marketed to ensure it reaches the target audience. This includes setting strategies, determining distribution channels, and promoting the new product or service.
Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: Even after the innovation is launched, we must continuously monitor and evaluate its performance. Deep feedback from customers and performance analysis can be used to make necessary improvements and ensure that the innovation remains aligned with the beneficiaries' needs.
In conclusion, applied innovation management is a highly valuable process for any organization striving for success and sustainable growth in a competitive environment.
The video is from Area 2071, a creative space that brings together the brightest innovative minds in the world – it includes numerous labs, meeting rooms, and the necessary infrastructure to develop and implement transformative ideas.