Test automation

Combining best practices and emerging tech such as AI and ML to build your automated QA workflows

Rely on automated testing to:

Save effort and time on high-volume testing activities

Enhance the breadth of in-house testing capabilities without hiring extra human resources

Eliminate human error in high-risk QA processes

Spot errors and malfunctions in the released software as soon as they occur

What test automation brings to your SDLC

  • Acceleration

    Automation facilitates shifting quality assurance left and uncovering critical bugs early in the SDLC.

  • Testing cycle optimization

    Automation allows for tapping into Agile practices, such as task-based and behavior-driven development.

  • DevOps transformation

    Automation enables setting up a continuous testing environment, which is an inherent part of DevOps.

  • Granular quality assessment

    Automation makes it possible to embed quality gates into the testing lifecycle, thus strengthening quality control.

  • Competitive edge

    Automation is rapidly replacing manual and model-based QA, becoming an essential requirement in any competitive software development project.

Implementation of automated testing helped decrease manual resources and more quickly receive status on the quality health of the applications due to more frequent test launches.

Director, a software development company

Automation by testing types

Reins offers to automate quality assurance of the following areas in web, desktop, and mobile software:


Call on the Reins engineers throughout the SDLC, and we develop an efficient solution to automate laborious smoke testing and continuously evaluate software in progress against established functional requirements.


When in need of an exhaustive assessment of your software’s operational stability under an array of ordinary and extreme conditions, turn to Reins for performance testing automation. To help you easily detect bottlenecks and limitations, we devise a framework for streamlining:

  • Load testing
  • Stress testing
  • Endurance testing


Involve the Reins specialists at the early development stages to set up a system that seeks out faults and bottlenecks in interactions between system modules, components, third-party tools, and other elements.


If you are looking to speed up the security QA workflow without compromising on the quality and scope of the analysis, Reins can upgrade your CI/CD pipeline with an automated security testing framework. We facilitate the following cybersecurity domains with automation:

  • Vulnerability scanning 
  • Penetration testing 
  • Compliance testing 
  • Static code analysis 

Multi-platform operation

When you need to verify the end product’s uniform look and feel and seamless performance across a multitude of operating conditions, Reins offers to automate this labor-intensive process with proven tools and practices. Our QA automation team provides for:

  • Cross-browser testing 
  • Cross-platform testing 
  • Cross-device testing 

Contact our team

Reach out to us to learn how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

Test automation lifecycle made easy

Reins offers to automate quality assurance of the following areas in web, desktop, and mobile software:

Test automation consulting

If you consider streamlining your legacy QA processes, rely on Reins’s consultants to shape your vision into an actionable strategy.

What it is

Our team interviews your key stakeholders to outline the target automation scope and desired transformation outcomes. We also explore your current testing workflow to recognize opportunities for automation.

What you get

We work out a set of processes and tools, which are most suitable for testing automation in your particular case, and deliver a roadmap of your QA automation journey.

What comes next

At the final stage of our test automation consulting services, you can choose to proceed with any of the three engagement models:

  1. The Reins team takes full control over your testing automation and trains your staff to operate QA automation tools.
  2. After you set up your automated testing workflow, we oversee its performance and mitigate any arising issues.
  3. Our testing engineers augment your in-house team and share the automation implementation workload the way you see fit.

Break new ground in automated testing

We integrate codeless testing into automated QA workflows, setting up test scenarios that require little to no coding. We document small-volume test cases, make them reusable, and assign each with a corresponding keyword, allowing you to create a viable testing case with just a sequence of relevant keywords.

Our toolkit

The outcomes of test automation

Through our expert-level test automation services, we not only help enterprises achieve their immediate objectives but also aid in accomplishing such comprehensive business and operational goals as:

Reduced TCO of the software

Shortened time to market

Enhanced user experience

Optimized testing workloads

Expanded test coverage

Increased QA efficiency

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