QA consulting

We optimize your QA workflows so that you stay in control throughout software delivery

When to call on QA consultants

Reins helps companies overcome all types of testing challenges and implement a QA strategy tailored to the desired outcomes.

Poor software quality

We design a comprehensive, systematic QA process to help you eliminate quality issues and bottlenecks.

Structural changes in the company

The Reins team looks into legacy workflows and suggests how to best reshape them to fit into the transformed environment.

In-house QA underperformance

We review and fine-tune existing QA practices to ensure that quality requirements are met.

High testing costs

Our consultants optimize your spending on software QA without compromising on the quality or frequency of releases.

Adoption of new methodologies

We identify ways of retrofitting testing infrastructures in line with continuous testing, SAFe, Agile, and TDD practices.

Contact our team

Reach out to us to learn how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

Reins’s quality assurance consulting process

For each case requiring consulting, we follow an established three-step process to provide a comprehensive coverage of software testing workflows in place and offer viable changes to each faulty aspect. To attend to the varying needs of our clients, we also have several collaboration schemes, each with a different service scope.

1. Discovery

The Reins team starts with the following:

  • Interview key stakeholders
  • Analyze current workflows and practices
  • Determine deficiencies and their root causes

2. Strategy formulation

Next, our consultants proceed to:

  • Decide on the QA practices to be replaced or introduced
  • Identify the testing tool kit fit for purpose
  • Draw up a transformational roadmap

3. Implementation & transformation

We offer three distinct engagement modes for the final stage:

Full-on implementation by Reins

  • Joining your QA team to implement full-scale transformation
  • Introducing new solutions
  • Monitoring their performance
  • Educating your staff about the reformed processes
  • Addressing any arising issues

Shared responsibility

  • Cooperating with your in-house QA team to adopt continuous changes
  • Taking on the agreed scope of tasks
  • Providing actionable recommendations to the team

Post-implementation support

  • Looking into the performance of reformed QA workflows on request
  • Assist in addressing any occurring bottlenecks and errors

The effects of QA consulting


Refined software testing strategy to meet quality gates


Transparent, measurable, and controllable QA processes


Testing infrastructure setup and optimization (tracking systems, testing environments)


More effective workload planning and collaboration between units involved in the SDLC


Faster product releases and shorter time to market


Enhanced end product quality and higher customer satisfaction level


Optimized software development and QA costs


Accumulation of best testing practices and continuous upskilling of in-house teams

Why Reins?

With over 2 years in the software testing industry, we earned ourselves a reputation of knowledgeable and reliable quality assurance consulting partners due to our:

Talent-driven staffing policy

Reins employs over 30 full-time QA professionals, possessing in-depth experience in numerous industries and testing disciplines. At our proprietary QA Academy, we help our employees broaden their knowledge, acquire and practice up-to-date skills.

Diverse experience

Our consultants have been implementing both manual and automated testing workflows and adapting Agile methodologies for QA for almost two decades now.

The culture of excellence

Being an ISO 9001 certified company, we master process maturity and constantly apply best practices to help clients get confident in the software quality.


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