Performance testing

We integrate our performance testing services at any stage of the SDLC to ensure your system’s flawless operation

What performance testing helps you discover

Performance testing allows preventing system flaws and unpredicted spending by helping you get the answers to the following questions:

Can your system withstand overload?

When scaled, how much will the system resources cost in the cloud?

Will the software remain operable in the long run?

What are the performance bottlenecks?

What is the maximum load possible?


Can the system sustain its everyday load?

Contact our team

Reach out to us to learn how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

Reins is there to help

Our QA team gets involved in all of the SDLC stages to help your software engineers focus on writing perfect code and creating a product with flawless performance. Throughout full-cycle performance testing, our company conducts various testing types to cover the specific needs of each client. These services include:

Load testing

We determine whether the system is able to cope with the required target load for an extended period of time.

Stress testing

We evaluate software performance under extreme load to identify the upper limits of its capacity.

Scalability testing

We define software effectiveness throughout processing power increase and architectural changes.

Volume testing

We measure software productivity under accumulating volumes of stored and processed data.

Stability testing

We perform longstanding testing for about 72 hours to evaluate system’s operability under a middle-level load.

Configuration testing

We verify performance under various software and hardware configurations.

Software performance testing stands for business benefits

Our performance QA and testing bring value to your business with:

Managed software performance

  • Efficient performance monitoring
  • Application productivity control
  • Boosted application behavior

Reduced software TCO

  • Informed hardware investments
  • Reduced operational and maintenance costs
  • Shorter time to restore

Client-side performance testing: Reins specialty

Our R&D lab has come up with our proprietary solution to the issues typically affecting customer experience, such as heavy interfaces, long response times, and poor performance overall. We call it client-side performance testing.

Optimized page loading

Accurate caching

Reduced server response times

No heavy-weight elements

How client-side performance testing helps

In addition to server-side testing, we conduct client-side performance testing which allows to measure the load and render time for an HTML page, and detect defects that slow down the page load. Our QA team has extensive experience in automating client-side checks within any testing environment.

Software performance testing stands for business benefits

Choose your testing scenario

In addition to server-side testing, we conduct client-side performance testing which allows to measure the load and render time for an HTML page, and detect defects that slow down the page load. Our QA team has extensive experience in automating client-side checks within any testing environment.

Performance diagnostics
A one-off testing round showing if your system meets the requirements.

Actionable recommendations
We identify and recommend solutions to your performance issues, working on our own or in cooperation with your team.

End-to-end testing
We detect as well as resolve bottlenecks to ensure perfectly stable and error-free software performance.

Our expertise includes:

Systems and platforms

Web apps

Mobile apps

Big data

Distributed systems



Cloud environments

Amazon Web Services

Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud




We deliver performance testing services through:

Why Reins?

Being a devoted team of 30+ QA engineers with 2 years of testing experience, we are a reliable tech partner because of our:

Continuous learning

We keep gaining and sharing new knowledge at our proprietary QA Academy and stay innovative through our in-house R&D lab.


Vast experience

We bring you the skills and knowledge generated in over 200 projects both for basic systems and the ones with complex business logic.


Efficient teamwork

We adhere to the Agile approach with iterative deliverables and high-paced team collaboration.


Flexible approach

We employ a variety of tools and methodologies to create befitting stacks for specific needs.


Get in touch

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