Embedded testing

We’ll make your hardware and embedded software work in tandem

Why trust Reins with embedded testing?

Setting up an appropriate testing infrastructure

Creating environment simulators

Designing test cases around a variety of applicable conditions

Tailoring the testing stack

Complying with international industry-specific standards

All-round embedded software testing

Functional features
We check for potential errors and bottlenecks by feeding relevant test data into the system.

Non-functional features
We test embedded systems in the constrictive conditions of time, energy, data capturing scope, and more.

We assess the system performance in a simulated environment using prototypes, hardware emulation, and other methods.

Contact our team

Reach out to us to learn how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

Reins’s embedded testing is industry-tailored





Electronics manufacturing




Our methodologies

We rigorously test embedded systems to verify how secure and reliable they are. We can put your system into:

Black box

Based on the specs, we check the system with a well-chosen set of techniques, running the tests concurrently and in sync with your development team.

White box

We test your embedded system inside out at every incremental stage of the development to ensure its integrity at all levels.

Grey box

We take the best of the two methods – black-box and white-box testing – and expand the test coverage to 100% of cases.

Unit testing

We view the system as a number of units and check each to spot errors at the earliest project stages.

1. Software
We test functions and classes.

2. System
We test units combining code and hardware components.

Integration testing

We combine hardware and software units into groups and test how well they operate at these two levels:

1. Software / Hardware
We test combined software and hardware units progressively.

2. System
We test an integrated hardware and software combination as a complete embedded system.

System validation

We check whether the embedded system runs according to the specifications.

Security testing

Wtest the embedded system exposure to security risks in the context of interconnected machines, electronics, and mobile devices.

Testing automation

Reins extensively uses automated test scripts and custom testing automation tools to remove time constraints and prevent errors from leaking into further testing stages.

With Reins, you get

2+ years of software testing excellence

Cost optimization

System modeling proficiency

Safety-centric approach

Unique ‘mix-and-match’ of SQA best practices

Expertise in 11+ business domains

Get in touch

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