Blockchain app testing

We help you build users’ absolute trust in your flawless blockchain software

By 2027, 10% of the global GDP will be stored on blockchain technology.

Source: World Economic Forum report

Turn to functional testing in order to:

Immutability of stored records

  • No data alteration
  • No information tampering

No retroactive impact of smart contracts

  • No redeployment
  • No updates

How Reins solves blockchain testing challenges

Transaction irreversibility
Because of blockchain data immutability, no error can be reversed. So, we make sure that transaction details are correct before they are recorded on your blockchain.

Costly live testing
Performing blockchain tests in a live environment can be too expensive. We apply a testnet to cut down the associated QA costs.

Fee-based transactions
As any blockchain transaction comes with a fee, our task is to guarantee that all transaction- related processes in the network are error-free.

We ascertain that the software, be it web or mobile blockchain-based apps, is not vulnerable to attacks at the network, user and mining levels.

Multiple participants involved
With a limitless number of network participants operating from different geographical regions, we apply emulators of OSs and devices in use, as well as test on real devices.

Contact our team

Reach out to us to learn how we can help you achieve your business objectives.

  • Consensus algorithms
  • Nodes
  • Replication mechanisms

  • Business logic
  • API integrations
  • Transaction testing
  • End-to-end testing

  • Business logic
  • Digital signatures
  • Contract code
  • Events
  • Errors
  • Messaging

  • Management and explorer platforms
  • Wallets
  • Oracles
  • Trading and investment platforms

Our blockchain testing services

Functional testing

We ensure that all the required functional ranges of essential blockchain product components are processed accurately, applying our creative approach to cover every possible user scenario.

Security testing

The Reins experts verify that the keys storage and encrypting system effectively ward off potential security attacks. We will also assess the robustness of authorization systems.

Performance testing

To ensure consistent quality, we will identify performance bottlenecks, assure that the app works smoothly under specific workloads and is ready for production.

Integration testing

Our experts test the cohesiveness and operability of intersystem connections across all blockchain app environments and integrated components.

Smart contract testing

Our QA professionals will simulate, review, and predict all possible conditions in the smart contract logic and conduct checks considering dynamically changing operational networks, code self-consistency, and invariant bricks.

Test automation

We implement test automation to save time, considering a large number of nodes, their combinations and validations during contract processing, as well as the rapid network growth and transformation.

We apply a tailored approach to blockchain testing

Step 1

Project initialization

  • Understanding the specifics of the blockchain platform and solution
  • Aligning blockchain quality gates with business needs
  • Outlining a testing strategy

Step 2


  • Preparing test data
  • Creating test cases
  • Setting up the environment

Step 3


  • Conducting the selected testing types

Step 4


  • Analyzing and submitting test results
  • Providing the final quality report

Blockchain-centric industries we serve

Testing tech stack

How Reins gets it right

In-depth blockchain-specific knowledge and skills.

A well-balanced personalized approach to testing.

Mature testing methodologies, such as shift-left testing for early and continuous quality assurance throughout the SDLC.

Transparent and clear workflows, communication, and documentation.

A quantitative process management (QPM) solution in place for making better decisions and delivering added value.

Get in touch

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